Friday, December 12, 2008

Monte-Carlo SBM Expanding In Marrakech

For its first project abroad, the Monegasque group has chosen a flagship destination, popular amongst its traditional clientele: Marrakech. The Jawhar Marrakech (8-hectare property) will offer its clientele more than 80 bedrooms (75m²) and suites, in addition to spacious villas. Its Business Centre will provide everything needed to organise banquets, conventions and events. Its library, home cinema and Arts Centre will prove that wherever Monte-Carlo is present, its traditional passion for culture is present too. Chic or informal, several restaurants boast diverse and refined ambiances. Around the hotel, landscaped gardens and green areas are the setting for a three-in-one pool offering three different temperatures. A renowned specialist of well-being, Monte-Carlo S.B.M. will install the following in its new gem: A spa (3.500m2) with an indoor pool, fitness trail, sports club, tennis courts, cardio-training and gymnastics rooms. An Espace Détente (relaxation area), boutique and hairdressing salons will complete these fabulous services.
A renowned specialist of well-being, Monte-Carlo S.B.M (Société des Bains de Mer) was founded in 1863. The group runs currently five casinos, four hotels and 32 restaurants, all in Monte Carlo.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Galeries Lafayette returns to Casablanca

Paris's most famous department store will open a branch in Morocco, where it also had a branch in the twenties. Local newspapers, including the North African daily Le matin, wrote about the agreement, which will involve an exclusive franchise between the French group and the Moroccan group Aksal. The director general of the Galeries Lafayette, Paul Delaoutre, explained that the group "has chosen to establish itself in Casablanca with a large store of 13,000 sqm", which will be located inside the Morocco Mall, the shopping centre which will open its doors in Casablanca in 2010 and will house, over more than 10 hectares world famous brands
The director general of the Morocco Mall project, Salwa Idrissi Akhannouch, explained that "the economic capital of the monarchy which will welcome the Galeries Lafayette will position itself as a fashion and entertainment capital, but also as an economic hub in Africa". Of the 5,000 jobs that will be created by Morocco Mall, the Galeries Lafayette will offer 400.

via ANSAmed

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Maroc Prestige Immo - Succès de la première édition à Paris

La première édition du salon Maroc Prestige Immo qui s'est tenue à Paris du 14 au 17 novembre à l'espace Champerret a été couronnée de succès. Les visiteurs étaient venus nombreux pour découvrir les produits balnéaires, de golf, de médina ou de ville qu'offre le Maroc... une vitrine de l'immobilier haut de gamme dédiée à une clientèle parisienne à la recherche de la meilleure opportunité, en termes d'acquisition d'une résidence secondaire ou d'un investissement raisonné et rentable au Maroc. Et ce, sans oublier les Marocains résidant à l'étranger qui ont les moyens de s'offrir de tels joyaux.
Du côté des exposants, plusieurs promoteurs immobiliers actifs sur le marché marocain ont fait le déplacement, notamment Al Omrane, Alliances Développement, Thomas & Piron (Belgique), Kerzner (Afrique du Sud), Occibelia et Proclub (Espagne) ou Green fee Marrakech (Italie).
Le marché de l'immobilier de luxe connaît un essoufflement à cause de la baisse de la demande. Cette tendance a été le plus constatée au niveau de Marrakech qui accueille un grand nombre de projets dédiés à une clientèle locale très aisée et surtout à une clientèle étrangère en quête de résidence de luxe à un prix attrayant comparé à celui pratiqué chez eux en Europe ou ailleurs. Cependant, vu la crise économique mondiale, Marrakech pâtit le plus de cette morosité et connaît un recul des ventes. Et pour cause, les acquéreurs étrangers, surtout, craignent pour leur argent après l'impact des supprimes aux USA et aussi en Europe. En attendant, les autorités marocaines ne cessent de rassurer quant à la solidité du secteur.

via Nadia Dref, Le Matin

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Villa Royale launched in Tangiers

In the latest Gulf investment in the North African region, the foundation stone of a $1.3 billion real estate project was laid in Tangiers. The great potential and strong prospects of the Moroccan economy encouraged the company to go ahead with its plan to start the project despite the financial crisis that is crippling some of the globe's strongest econ-omies, according to executives of the Kuwaiti Gulf Holding Company (GHC).
The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2011, while the first part is scheduled to complete by mid 2010. Villa Royale is the 3rd project for the company with investments totalled so far nearly $2.2 billion andspreads over 1.13 million in the prestigious Gulf Finance House (GFH) promoted Royal Resort Cap Malabata Project.

via Jumana Al Tamimi, Gulf News

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

World Bank Joins Chaabi in Cement Project

Ynna Holding, a significant player in the Moroccan real estate sector, is planning to construct a greenfield integrated cement plant with a production capacity of 2 million tons per annum in the Settat region. Ynna Holding sees cement manufacturing as a natural step given its existing businesses.
The World Bank is considering a financing package consisting of a Partial Credit Guarantee of up to 50% of the local debt financing and an equity investment of up to 19% of the share capital.
The Holding is in the process of diversifying its portfolio of activities and sees cement manufacturing as a natural step given its existing businesses. IFC (World Bank) is expected to play a significant role in this project by assisting a local company as it enters the cement sector in a country that has been traditionally oligopolistic and dominated by international players. IFC's investment, both as a shareholder and guarantor, is expected to provide added value to this Project. IFC Partial Credit Guarantee will improve Ynna Holding’s access to long term financing as it is currently reaching is exposure limits with its local banks. Furthermore, IFC will support the company in establishing local environmental and social practices consistent with the IFC Performance Standards.

via Africa Intelligence

Samanah Country Club inaugure son golf

Marrakech est désormais la ‘'cité golfique'' du Royaume. En effet, la ville vient d'être dotée de son 4ème parcours de golf en attendant l'achèvement des travaux de 5 autres golfs. Il s'agit du golf de Samanah Country Club, qui a été inauguré, comme prévu, voire un mois avant la date annoncée, par une grande cérémonie baptisée «Première balle».
Invités à l'inauguration de ce beau parcours dessiné par Nicklaus Design, les acquéreurs des villas de la première et deuxième tranches du programme d'investissement qui s'étend sur 300 ha et la presse spécialisée nationale et celle internationale ont été tous reçus en VIP par le président Alain Crenn et le président du conseil de surveillance, Richard Hennesy; Bernard Rolland, directeur général de Marprom, filiale marocaine du groupe Alain Creen; Robert Reznik, président de Samanah Management ainsi que par l'ensemble des cadres du groupe. Le Samanah Golf est le 4ème parcours dont dispose, désormais, la capitale de Youssef Ben Tachfine, après le Golf Royal réalisé aux années vingt, le golf du PGP et le golf Amelkis
Situé à 14 km du centre de Marrakech, le Samanah Country Club est un grand projet de haut standing qui s'étend sur 300 ha et bénéficie d'une vue imprenable sur la chaîne de l'Atlas dont la réalisation a été entamée il y a 2 ans dans le cadre de la vision 2010.
Le projet comprend, en plus du golf 18 trous, objet de la cérémonie d'inauguration, 3 hôtels de près 1,086 lits, 485 riads-villas et 108 maisons, soit un investissement de près de 4 milliards, d'après Bernard Roulland.
Le Samanah Golf a toutes les qualités requises pour accueillir des compétitions internationales. Il est privé et son accès réservé en priorité aux résidents du Domaine, clients des hôtels et propriétaires des villas. 600 droits de jeu seront vendus aux acquéreurs des luxueuses villas édifiées le long du parcours de golf. Le Club House du Samanah Country Club a une superficie d'environ 2,000 m2.
L'ouverture de l'hôtel 5 étoiles est prévue fin 2009 , après la finition complète et la livraison des villas et riads de la 1ère tranche entre juin et septembre 2009, tandis que l'ouverture du 3ème hôtel est programmée au printemps de 2010, alors que la fin des travaux concernant le domaine Samanah Country Club, dont la 2ème et la 3ème tranches des villas et riads, est prévue fin 2012.
Bernard Rolland est très satisfait de la commercialisation des produits du groupe (villas et riads) de la première tranche qui a atteint un taux de près de 95% dont 40% acquis par les Marocains. La commercialisation de la 2ème tranche est également en bonne voie aussi bien au Maroc qu'en Europe. Rappelons que près de 1,500 employés travaillent à d'arrache-pied, depuis le lancement des travaux fin 2006, pour la réalisation du programme dans une contrée dépourvue d'infrastructures de base.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fairmont Marrakech set to open in 2011

The 190-room resort will be designed to offer its guests a true experience capturing the essence of Marrakech. A mix of contemporary and traditional architecture, unique amenities and details which reflect authentic expressions of Morocco will allow guests to celebrate the origins of this dynamic culture. The property will feature 5 food and beverage outlets, 13,000 sq.ft. of banquet and meeting space, including a 4,300 sq.ft. ballroom, and Fairmont Gold, the brand's exclusive lifestyle offering featuring warm and personalized service with amenities such as a private reception desk and a comfortable guest lounge. A 14,000 sq.ft. Willow Stream Spa and health club will feature 14 treatment rooms, a hammam, specialty showers, steam room, ice fountain and a variety of lounges for relaxing. The complex will also include 32 new Fairmont-branded residential villas.
Fairmont is partnering with Eden Developpement, a company headed by Simon-Xavier Guerrand Hermes, of the Hermes Luxury goods family and involved in several Real Estate development projects including the Gueliz market re-development.


Monday, October 20, 2008

L’élargissement de l’autoroute Casa-Rabat démarrera en 2009

Les travaux d’élargissement de l’autoroute, qui devaient initialement être entamés au cours de l’année 2008, seront finalement lancés au courant du premier trimestre 2009.
L’aménagement de cette autoroute en 2 fois 3 voies, au lieu de 2 fois 2 actuellement, consiste en fait à rajouter une voie supplémentaire de 3,5 mètres à l’intérieur dans chaque sens de la circulation pour faire face au risque de congestion que connaît déjà cette autoroute au niveau de certains points et à certaines heures de la journée. L’élargissement de l’intérieur signifie que l’on va gagner les voies supplémentaires sur le terre-plein central dont la largeur actuelle est de 20 mètres. Celle-ci sera réduite à 12 mètres une fois les travaux achevés.
Il est prévu également des réaménagements des 8 échangeurs existants (Hay Ryad, Témara, Aïn Atiq, Skhirat, Bouznika, Mohammédia Est et Ouest, Aïn Harrouda), ainsi que la construction d’un neuvième échangeur entre ceux de Mohammédia Est et Ouest pour faire face au trafic entrant et sortant que connaît la ville.
Au cours du mois d’avril dernier, par exemple, ce sont 44 500 véhicules qui ont emprunté chaque jour l’autoroute et, en certains points, notamment la barrière de péage pleine voie, le taux de saturation est élevé, ce qui rend cet élargissement impératif. La saturation du trafic, à l’échéance 2010, varierait, selon les endroits, de 2 à 5 heures par jour, sachant que le trafic augmente en moyenne de 14% par an.
Si le planning d’exécution de ce projet de 58 km n’est pas encore établi avec précision (sur le site d’ADM on parle de 2 ans), en revanche, le coût de l’aménagement est connu et devrait se situer autour de MAD 800 millions.

via La vie éco

Friday, October 17, 2008

Le Jardin de Fleur at the Gulf State Property Shows

Kicking off at the Worldwide Property Show in Dubai on October 23, Morocco’s multi award-winning Le Jardin de Fleur resorts are set to demonstrate a shared prowess for building castles from the sand with their Gulf counterparts. Part of the first and largest of the six Plan Azur coastal projects which are key to King Mohammed’s ambitious Vision 2010, Le Jardin de Fleur is sure to strike a chord in the Middle East. Fresh from victory at the influential CNBC-sponsored Arabian Property Awards 2008 where Le Jardin de Fleur scooped a trio of awards to add to the two won in 2007, the project is justifiably considered to be amongst the finest developments in the Arab world. A collection of 11 developments ranging from low-density apartments though to grandiose villas set within the macro Mediterranean-facing resort of Mediterrania Saïdia, Le Jardin de Fleur is a major contributor to Morocco’s status as a viable long-term destination for both tourist and corporate markets.
Simon Boxus, Sales Director of Le Jardin de Fleur, explains, “Le Jardin de Fleur has helped to transform a little known 6km stretch of Moroccan coastline into a world-class five-star leisure complex complete with three 18-hole golf courses, a 1,000-berth plus marina, 6km of beachfront with 17 beach clubs, a Moroccan Medina shopping experience and an equestrian centre, to name but a few".
Radisson Hotels & Resorts has selected a brace of resorts for its first foray into the Moroccan market - a 384-room five-star suite hotel and a 97 unit all-villa development. The superior division of Best Western International, the world’s largest hotel chain with over 4,000 hotels across 80 countries, Best Western Premier will be rebranding 126 apartments whilst Marrakech-based five-star hotel operator Hivernage will add its Midas touch to 76 villa residences.
Prices at the Best Western Premier Le Jardin de Fleur start from 2,255,611 MAD for a 1 bedroom penthouse whilst prices at The Hivernage Resort & Spa Saïdia start from 4,342,002 MAD for a 2 bedroom detached villa. Radisson Resort & Spa Suites is priced from 1,270,681 MAD for a 1 bedroom studio.

via Sarah Drane

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Addoha buys Fadesa's Moroccan units

Moroccan property developer Douja Promotion Addoha Group has acquired the whole shares of the 2 important subsidiaries of Fadesa Morocco Group. The two units, Citaf and Optim with high-profile real estate and tourism projects in Morocco, would help Adohha expand its real estate business and boost earnings. Addoha had already owned 50% stakes in Citaf and Optim before acquiring the the remainder of their shares.
It gave no prices for the newly acquired stakes, though it had said on Dec.10 that the first 50% stakes deal was worth MAD 1.3 billions. The company is Morocco's leading real estate firm as it makes the most of a government-backed social housing drive and a boom in leisure, hotel and high-end housing projects.

via Reuters

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI inaugure Technopolis

Les montants de MAD 2,755 milliards pour les travaux de construction et de MAD 559 millions pour l'aménagement ont été mobilisés pour ce projet édifié sur une superficie de 107 hectares,mais qui s'étendra à terme sur 300 hectares et mettra en œuvre la nouvelle vocation de Rabat-Salé dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies dans le cadre du plan Emergence
Créée dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre la Caisse de dépôt et de gestion (CDG), le ministère de l'Industrie, du Commerce et des nouvelles Technologies et la wilaya de Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaers, la Cité de la Technologie bénéficie d'un aménagement novateur et aéré, d'infrastructures et d'une gestion alignées sur les meilleurs standards internationaux pour en faire une destination privilégiée pour les investissements et les projets liés aux secteurs des nouvelles technologies.
Technopolis, qui va contribuer à la création de 30.000 nouveaux emplois à l'horizon 2013, fait partie du réseau des parcs en cours de mise en place par MEDZ, appelés à créer de nouveaux potentiels économiques permettant une croissance soutenue du pays.

via Le Matin

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dubai firm buys plot in an equestrian resort property in Morocco

A Dubai-based equine business solutions company, Equine Management Services (EMS), closed a big real estate property deal with Bahrain-based Gulf Finance House (GFH). This will see EMS buying close to 40% of the purchasable land at Royal Ranches Marrakech, one of GFH's main real estate projects in Morocco.
Royal Ranches Marrakech Chairman Esam Janahi said, "Royal Ranches Marrakech has been designed as a world class equestrian resort which fuses the luxuries of a five star resort with an advanced wildlife haven, and Equine Management Services bring with them vast experience in this arena. Their involvement will enrich the whole initiative and offer a truly unique experience for equestrian enthusiasts the world over."
Royal Ranches Marrakech real estate property is situated in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains and has the propensity to become one of the world's first five star Equestrian Resorts. EMS have track record of establishing unique equestrian communities and are best known for the Escape equestrian property currently under development in the UAE emirate of Ajman.

via Go Wealthy

African property boom drying up

Morocco has seen a property market boom over the last few years fuelling its national economy and stock markets. Only last week, the Moroccan stock exchange had to suspend the shares of property firm Addoha, following an uncontrolled drop in its value. Despite what sounded a really encouraging result - net profits had increased by 40% - the market was deeply disappointed by the company's result.
Moroccan property development is doubly hit by the global financial crisis. First, foreign investments in this capital intensive sector are drying up as cash becomes harder to get on global markets. Second, the typical buyers of Moroccan property are Europeans looking for a holiday home in the pleasant North African climate, but these are now insecure about their personal economy and also have less access to credits. Analysts therefore fear that foreign property buyers will postpone their decision to buy.
The American and European middle class, according to market research, already plans to make fewer short holiday trips, while hoping to be able to afford one long summer vacation, looking for reasonable offers. For the American middle class public, this would in most cases rule out an Africa trip. For Europeans, sub-Saharan Africa and in particular the Indian Ocean may currently seem too luxuriously, already creating fears in the tourism industry in countries such as Tanzania and Mauritius.
However, North Africa may still be very competitive in the 2009 season. The region already has seen great market gains during the last years and may stay a winner among Europeans. Flights to North Africa remain relatively cheap and as holiday destinations, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt are considered the cheapest places to stay, eat and drink well for European travellers.

via afrol News

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Government to shake up troubled rental housing sector

According to a government study released on September 24th, Morocco faces a shortage of developers in both the public and private rental housing sectors, few financial and legal incentives for people to rent and an ill-defined and mutually-suspicious relationship between landlords and tenants.
The government is proposing a 20% cut in the level of taxation on rent and the total elimination of tax paid by small landlords on their rental income. 70% of landlords would like to see the tax breaks available in the property sector extended to the rental sector. The tax changes also support Morocco's new scheme for expanded social housing. The plan would give higher tax allowances for profits earned from homes rented to low-income families, tax breaks for rental-sector investments and subsidised long-term loans for the construction of affordable rental housing.
Housing, Town Planning and Development Minister Ahmed Taoufik Hejira has high hopes that these proposals will restore trust between real-estate investors and potential tenants in order to fill some 163,000 currently empty rental properties. Formalising the rental contract will also protect tenants. Some landlords are unofficially leasing their properties in order to avoid paying tax, leaving renters with no legal protection.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Abu Dhabi Investment House to set up $1 billion Style City project

ADIH announced the commencement of infrastructural work of the last phase for its project called Porta Moda Marrakesh in Morocco. The project's total cost is approximately $1 billion and will be developed on a total area of more than 306,000 square metres, located 7km from the city's airport.
The project encapsulates the idea of redefining quality of living and streamlined education. The concept's main elements which will be implemented within Porta Moda Marrakech include luxury living, culture, fine dining, exclusive retail shopping, fashion and design education, renowned boutique spas and resorts, entertainment - all with a concentration of style and fashion. Porta Moda Marrakesh, like all other Porta Modas ADIH intends to launch internationally, is designed to be established as the hub of fashion and style within Morocco and the area surrounding it and given its geographical proximity to Europe and the Middle East altogether.
Fawaz Ali Al Jowder, Deputy CEO ADIH said: "We have already started the infrastructural work for the last phase of this exciting project in Marrakech... We have on-board a highly professional team including international experts in master-planning, development and consultancy in the field".


El Alami Holding: Partenariat avec Oberoi Hotels !

El Alami Holding qui est un groupe marocain opérant dans l'immobilier et l'industrie, vient de signer un accord avec le Groupe indien « Oberoi Hotels et Resorts » portant sur le développement et la gestion d'un complexe touristique de grand luxe à Marrakech pour un investissement global de MAD 600 millions.
Au terme de cet accord de partenariat, signé par le président du groupe marocain, Abdelouahed El Alami et le président de la chaîne hôtelière indienne, M. P.R.S Oberoi, les deux parties auront à développer et à gérer un hôtel de luxe de 90 suites hors catégorie et de 50 villas sur un terrain de 30 hectares à Marrakech. Les travaux seront lancés au premier semestre 2009 et dureront 3 ans.

via Le Reporter

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Disneyland au Maroc

Inteco prévoit de construire un Disneyland au Maroc. C’est le premier du genre en Afrique, selon ses promoteurs. Le groupe russe, à travers sa filiale Groupe Kudla, compte déjà parmi les plus gros investisseurs dans l’immobilier et le tourisme (MAD 25 milliards).
C’est justement pour consolider ses investissements au nord du Maroc qu’il a commandité une étude de faisabilité en vue de lancer le parc de loisir. Ce projet est pour l’instant géré au niveau central, au siège d’Inteco à Moscou. Sa première phase vient d’être bouclée. La 2e phase va plancher sur la configuration, le contenu et le programme du projet.

via l'Economiste

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More than 22,000 housing units for Al Omrane in 2008

Within the framework of the low-cost housing program, the Al Omrane Group intends to undertake, by the end of this year, the building of more than 22,000 housing units, half of which are currently under construction. The group committed to achieving 129,000 housing units that do not exceed a total cost of MAD 140,000 in the coming 4 years.
This program was first launched in Oujda, Marrakech, Meknes, in southern Morocco and in Tamesna.
Given its highly social character, the government has endowed the low-cost housing with a package of measures to guarantee its success. Consequently, low-cost housing program is totally exempted from taxes and is equipped at cost price. The government also pledged to cover the costs of studies and technical supervision of this product in rural areas, whereas this product will be marketed through a committee to fend off any change in the product.

via Maghreb Arabe Presse

Friday, August 29, 2008

Barcelo Group to manage 2 new hotels

Barcelo Hotels and Resorts has signed a contract with Moroccan investment fund Maghreb Siyaha Fund (MSF) envisaging the management by the Spanish chain of 2 new hotels in Morocco to open by the end of 2010. The 2 two hotels, each with 250 rooms, will open to the public as four-star hotels, the first one in the Palmeraie in Marrakech; the other will rise in the sea resort of Port Lixus, in Larache. The Mallorca-based group has signed an agreement with a Moroccan bank for the building of 5 hotels in the next 3 years. For the end of 2008 it also envisages the opening of Barcelo Mediterranea Saidia, with 600 rooms. MSF is an investment fund specialised managed by Actif Invest, a subsidiary of the FinanceCom group.

via ANIMAweb

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cost of Living Index up 5.1% in July

The cost-of-living index of July has risen by 5.1% in Morocco compared to the same month last year, the High Commission for Planning (HCP) revealed.
The increase concerned both foodstuffs (+9.1%) and non-foodstuffs (+1.8 pc), HCP said in a press release. Compared to June 2008, the cost-of-living index rose by 0.2 %, due to a 0.1% fall in the foodstuffs index and a 0.4% in that of non-foodstuffs, including private transport (+5.6%).
Between June and July 2008, the decreases registered in foodstuffs concerned mainly fresh fruit (-3.5%), vegetables (-3.1%) and milk, dairy products and eggs (-1% ). As for the prices of meat and fresh fish, they grew by 1.3% and 1% respectively.

via Maghreb Arab Press

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Caisses d’Epargne Launch Real Estate Gambit

After its relative setback in banking (an abortive attempt to buy into BMCE), the Groupe Caisse d’Epargne is pressing ahead with an offensive on the highly promising Moroccan property market (it has already acquired a stake in CIH).

via Africa Intelligence

Monday, August 11, 2008

Le Maroc s'industrialise et s'enrichit, mais déficits et inégalités se creusent

En dépit d'un contexte international très défavorable, l'économie marocaine se porte plutôt bien mais les analyses divergent quant à la durée de ce qu'on qualifie à Rabat de "boom économique".
Selon le Ministère marocain de l'Economie et des Finances, la croissance sera de 6,8 % en 2008, et devrait continuer dans les 4 années à venir à peu près au même rythme, le taux d'inflation ne dépassant pas 3 %. Ainsi, espère-t-on à Rabat, le revenu par habitant passerait de US$ 2,650 en 2007 à US$ 4,150 en 2012.
"Jamais, depuis 30 ans, je n'ai vu le Maroc courir à une telle vitesse ! Une classe moyenne est en train d'émerger. Il a été vendu plus de 100,000 voitures neuves l'année dernière, contre 10,000 il y a 15 ans", souligne Nadia Salah, éditorialiste et directrice du quotidien L'Economiste.
En raison de la diversification progressive du tissu productif (industries, accueil d'entreprises délocalisées, télécommunications, bâtiment, tourisme), la croissance hors agriculture est à présent de 5,7 % par an. Reste que le déficit de la balance commerciale s'accroît. S'il a été contenu cette année, c'est grâce à l'envolée du prix des phosphates.
La facture pétrolière du royaume a augmenté en un an de près de 69 %. Dans la même période, le prix des phosphates marocains, lui, passait fort heureusement de US$ 40 à US$ 250 la tonne. Le royaume est le premier producteur du monde de ce minerai indispensable à la production des engrais.
En 4 ans, le budget annuel de la caisse de compensation, qui subventionne le pétrole à la pompe et certains produits tels que la bonbonne de gaz, l'huile et la farine, est passé de 4 milliards de dirhams à 40 milliards.

via Florence Beaugé - Le Monde

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Al Houara Resort Tangier launched in London

Sotheby's International Realty Morocco, the sales partner of Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company, have launched Qatari Diar's Al Houara Tangier Resort in London.
The exclusive London sales event on Thursday 31 July, held at the Bentley Kempinski Hotel, was attended by numerous international investors. A significant number of properties were sold to investors at the event.
The Al Houara Resort is endowed with protected forests and beautiful surroundings while simultaneously catering to a modern lifestyle with 3 luxury hotels, an 18-hole signature golf course, an equestrian centre, a Moroccan Spa, a beach Clubhouse, a Kasbah, retail, dining and entertainment centres. Speaking at the event, Natalie Mik, Director of Sotheby's International Realty Morocco said: 'Al Houara is destined to become an iconic landmark and flourish, in elegant harmony with its distinctive historical surroundings.

via AMEInfo

Monday, August 4, 2008

110 projets approuvés à Tanger à fin Juin 2008

La région de Tanger-Tétouan semble avoir battu tous les records en termes d’investissement.
Selon les chiffres du CRI, pas moins de MAD 26 milliards ont été investis au cours du 1er semestre 2008 dans 110 projets. Le montant est en hausse de 273%, par rapport à la même période de l’année passée.
Le mérite revient à l’investissement colossal que réalise actuellement l’Alliance Renault-Nissan à Melloussa à la sortie de Tanger. Il s’agit de l’usine de montage de véhicules dont l’investissement annoncé est de MAD 11 milliards. Renault-Nissan fabriquera 200.000 véhicules de marque Dacia dont plus de 90% pour l’export. Elle s’étendra sur plus de 300 ha et devra créer près de 6.000 emplois directs et 30.000 autres indirects.
Dans les secteurs de l’immobilier et du tourisme, la région a connu d’importants investissements. C’est le cas de Tanger City Center, dont les travaux ont démarré en Mai dernier. L’investissement prévu est de MAD 1,8 milliards et s’étale sur plus de 3 ha dans l’un des quartiers les plus prometteurs de la ville.
Un autre projet pharaonique en cours est celui d’Emaar. Le projet Tinja annonce un investissement d’environ MAD 5 milliards. La superficie dédiée à ce projet est de 230 ha sur le littoral atlantique.
Non loin de là, se situe le projet Al Houara. C’est Qatari Diar qui en est en charge. D’autres chantiers non moins importants sont lancés par la Gulf Finance House (GFH) à Cap Malabata: Royal Resort Cap Malabata est un projet de cité balnéaire intégrée entièrement aménagé par la GFH pour un montant total de près de MAD 5,4 milliards. Il s’étale sur 127 ha.

via L'Economiste

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Newspapers declare Real Estate sector in crisis

According to the weekly La Vie Economique, the country's housing market saw significant decline in the past 6 months. The first signals were noticed in the in the luxury homes sector in Marrakech. Figures published by the association of banks in Morocco confirm this negative tendency and a slowdown in mortgages. Causes may include inadequacy of the offer compared to the demand, the running out of building zones in urban areas, the surge in raw materials prices and the workforce scarcity. The expectations of potential buyers to see house prices falling did the rest. Many decided to wait until the market starts going down before buying a house and, in fact, provoked the slowdown. Others, who had bought as an investment more than one house in order to sell it soon after, have had to opt for leasing due to the lack of acquisition offers. This is how lease offers in Casablanca exceeded by far the demand, provoking in the last 6 months a decline of rents amounting to between 20% and 30%.

via ANSAmed

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gambling: On the road to Morocco

The quest to find the next lucrative international gaming destination has landed in the Northern African desert of Morocco. Moroccan developers of a nearly 1,000-acre lakefront site near the city of Ouarzazate have asked Las Vegas-based Global Gaming Group of CB Richard Ellis to help find a casino operator for the location. The development is expected to have multiple uses, including residential, nongaming hotels, shops, entertainment and a golf course with golf course villas. The casino is planned on a waterfront site near Lake Mansour Eddahbi and will include a hotel.
John Knott, the Global Gaming Group's executive vice president, said the potential casino in Morocco could be worth $100 million in annual gaming revenue depending on what is built and how the infrastructure progresses surrounding what is being called the Ouarzazate Lake City development. Morocco, which attracts roughly 7.5 million visitors annually, is a Muslim country. Knott said the government supports the Ouarzazate Lake City concept because the casino is just an aspect of the entire development. Morocco now has 6 casinos, but all are small by any standard. The largest is in the northern city of Tangier, which has 200 slot machines and 31 table games.
Knott said the Moroccan developers, Palmeraie, a group of banks and investment firms, were open to building the hotel-casino themselves or having the casino operator put up all or part of the costs.
Knott said the tax on gaming revenues could be anywhere from 17% to 21%, which is lower than gaming taxes in neighboring countries. Because of the Muslim government, which can't officially endorse gambling, the casino operator would have to set up its own regulatory system. Knott said he discussed the concept with Las Vegas gaming attorney Tony Cabot, who said it could be accomplished. Cabot said the regulatory structure would be important for any Nevada casino company interested in the Morocco opportunity. Cabot said the concept is used by casinos that operate aboard cruise ships.


Friday, July 25, 2008

La CGI dévoile ses réalisations pour Tanger et Fnideq

La Compagnie Générale Immobilière ne cache pas ses ambitions. Une visite de ses principaux chantiers dans le nord du pays montre qu’elle entend rester un acteur incontournable dans l’immobilier professionnel et à usage d’habitation. Sur la côte tangéroise, la surprise est de taille. Avec les «Riads de la Baie», la médina a été totalement réinventée. Ce projet s’étend sur 10 000 m2. 42 riads, inspirés des typiques villas méditerranéennes et organisés en un petit village comprenant même une place centrale, sont juchés sur un promontoire qui offre une vue plongeante sur la ville toute proche.
Déjà, la moitié de ces petites maisons a été commercialisée. La livraison se fera au cours du troisième trimestre de l’année. Ces maisons disposent de tout le confort, d’un jardin et parfois même d’une fontaine et d’une vue sur mer. On est bien loin des logements sociaux, puisque les acquéreurs ont un portefeuille bien rempli, les prix variant entre 4 et 5 MDH pour une superficie de 250 m2 en moyenne ! Ce projet nécessite un investissement de 110 MDH.
Non loin de là, la CGI fait dans l’immobilier plus traditionnel et moins élaboré. Les «Terrasses de Ghandouri» proposent un ensemble d’appartements avec vue sur mer. Là, les locataires seront plus nombreux puisque ce sont 173 logements qui seront proposés, s’étendant sur une surface de 3 ha. L’investissement est de 220 MDH. Cette deuxième tranche comprendra également des activités de loisirs, des commerces. Une manière de ne pas en faire des cités dortoirs.
Un autre projet, celui de Fnideq a, quant à lui, une tout autre envergure et des orientations totalement différentes. Baptisé «Al Massira», il compte modifier complètement la physionomie de ce village. Avec un investissement de 2 milliards de DH, il faut dire que la CGI a mobilisé les grands moyens pour ce projet dont la durée de réalisation est de 5 ans.
Dans un premier temps, ce sont la voirie, le retraitement des eaux usées et le recueil des eaux de pluies qui sont en phase de réalisation pour un investissement de 160 MDH. Cette partie du projet prendra une année, à compter de son lancement en janvier. Il s’agit là d’un projet de développement d’un véritable pôle urbain, puisque 2 800 logements devraient y voir le jour. Sur le site, situé à un quart d’heure du port Tanger-Med, il est également prévu des espaces verts, une gare routière de 15 000 m2 ainsi que des infrastructures administratives et sportives.

via La Vie Eco

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Qatari Diar unveils Al Houara Golf Course

Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company, a leader in sustainable development, announced that Graham Marsh Golf Design in collaboration with Hall of Famer and multiple Major Winner Vijay Singh have designed the golf course for the Al Houara Resort - Tangier.
Situated on the Moroccan coast, the 18-hole course will be a signature component of Qatari Diar's luxury development. This marks the first collaboration between these two celebrated golfers.The Al Houara Golf Course has been designed as two returning nines with the 9th and 18th greens located below the clubhouse. Golfers will play down to the dunes behind the beach while taking in breathtaking views of the sea. In addition to the 18-hole golf course, there will be a large driving range with adjacent practice green and chipping area. A short 9 hole par three course (pitch and putt course) is also envisaged on the southern side of the main entrance road.

via AME Info

Kempinski to manage Qatari Diar’s project

Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company has announced it has awarded European luxury hotels group Kempinski Hotels the management contract of its beach resort in the $660m Al Houara development in Tangiers, Morocco. The Kempinski Al Houara Beach Resort and Spa will be owned and developed by Qatari Diar.

Situated on a beachfront area adjacent to a protected forested area, the property will have 250 guest rooms ranging from 50 to 200sqm, including junior and deluxe suites and one presidential suite, all with private balconies. There will also be 15 beach resort villas.

The Kempinski Al Houara Beach Resort and Spa will incorporate the natural landscape of Tangiers with all public and guest areas and terraces facing the ocean. The resort will feature a variety of leisure and guest facilities including an all-day restaurant, 2 speciality restaurants, a pool grill and an entertainment lounge along with a lobby lounge.

The property will house extensive meeting and banqueting facilities featuring a ballroom divisible into three parts, 5 meeting rooms, a fully-equipped business centre and a pre-function room as well as parking space for 325 vehicles.

The hotel buildings will be grouped together and none will be higher than 4 stories. While all of the buildings will mirror the surrounding topography, the architectural style of the hotel will respond to the strong tradition of Moroccan architecture, particularly that of historic Moroccan palaces.

Ulrich Eckhardt, President of Middle East & Africa for Kempinski Hotels, said: "Al Houara Resort project complements our resort portfolio in this part of the world including Kempinski Hotel Bahia Costa Del Sol, Estepona in Spain as well as Kempinski Hotel Soma Bay in Egypt. This is an opportunity to offer resort packages for leisure and business travelers."

Al Houara luxury tourist resort will span 234 ha of coastal land and is expected to draw visitors from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

In addition to The Kempinski Al Houara Beach Resort and Spa, the development will include another 5 star hotel, a public beach club, residential apartments and villas, retail and entertainment facilities and a residential club. There will also be a convention centre, an 18-hole international golf course, club house, casino, forest stables and a variety of sports facilities.

via The Peninsula.

Friday, July 18, 2008

La Fédération de l’immobilier tourne la page Miloud Chaâbi

L’homme qui avait réussi à fédérer autour d’un objectif commun une profession minée par les rivalités, il y a quelques années, s’est retrouvé en porte-à-faux avec ses confrères, suite à des déclarations accusant l’Etat de favoritisme envers Addoha, la CGI et Al Omrane dans la cession de foncier public. Toujours est-il que, dès le lundi 7 juillet, au sortir de la réunion exigée par les membres de la FNPI pour demander au président de préciser que ses accusations avaient été portées à titre personnel et non pas en tant que patron des promoteurs, ce dernier a annoncé sa démission. Laquelle fut entérinée lors du conseil tenu le vendredi suivant. Finalement Youssef Iben Mansour, auparavant vice-président, a pris la tête de la FNPI. Bien connu du milieu, puisqu’il est président de l’Association des lotisseurs et promoteurs immobiliers de Casablanca (ALPIC), M. Iben Mansour assurera donc la fonction de président de la fédération jusqu’à la fin du présent mandat, en novembre 2009.
Ses fonctions étant cumulables, il conservera en parallèle la présidence de l’ALPIC. Par voie de communiqué, la Fédération nationale des promoteurs immobiliers a bien fait savoir que la polémique sur les méthodes de cession du foncier public aux promoteurs privés n’était plus à l’ordre du jour. «Nous nous inscrivons dans la politique d’encouragement de l’investissement de l’Etat, c’est tout». Durant les 16 mois à venir, M. Iben Mansour planchera sur quatre dossiers prioritaires, dont le premier est la Loi de finances. «Nous allons travailler en étroite collaboration avec la commission fiscalité de la CGEM pour la préparation de la Loi de finances 2009», indique-t-il. En effet, à la veille de l’adoption de la Loi de finances 2008, le nouveau président de la FNPI avait compté parmi les militants les plus engagés dans la lutte contre la suppression des avantages fiscaux accordés aux promoteurs immobiliers opérant dans les programmes de logements sociaux de grande envergure.
Pratiquement aucune des doléances des promoteurs n’avait été exaucée dans la nouvelle loi. C’est le cas, par exemple, de leur demande de faire passer la valeur immobilière totale du logement économique de 200 000 à 300 000 DH.
Youssef Iben Mansour souhaite aussi concrétiser le projet de code de déontologie pour le secteur. Le troisième dossier chaud du nouveau président est celui de la création d’un indice des prix de l’immobilier. Lancée il y a environ 3 mois, l’idée de créer un référentiel des prix, par ville et par quartier, est très chère à M. Iben Mansour.

Un tel index permettrait aux acheteurs de comparer le prix de vente de leur appartement de façon transparente et serait un outil efficace contre l’usage du «noir». A moyen terme, la fédération aimerait bien pouvoir confier cette tâche à un organisme indépendant, mais pour commencer, elle pourrait s’en charger de façon bi-annuelle. Il faudra croiser toutes les données disponibles sur le secteur : service d’enregistrement de l’administration fiscale, Haut commissariat au plan, Agence nationale de conservation foncière, Agences urbaines, Agences immobilières, Chambre des notaires, etc.
Enfin, le nouveau président de la FNPI réfléchit à la création d’un institut du bâtiment qui serait spécialisé dans la formation pour tous les métiers de l’habitat et du BTP.

via La Vie Eco

Paradise Golf Resort - Tetouan

Inteco, la filiale immobilière du géant gazier russe Gazprom va investir près de 1 milliard d'euros dans des projets immobiliers et touristiques dans le nord du Maroc. Inteco a créé une structure juridique marocaine, Groupe Kudla, dotée d'un capital de MAD 155 millions. Celle-ci va investir MAD 5,6 milliards pour ériger d'une part à Aouchtam, dans les montagnes du Rif, un projet résidentiel Paradise Golf Resort sur 48 ha avec villas et appartements haut standing, golf de neuf trous tennis et centre commercial, et d'autre part une marina et des projet immobiliers sur 58 ha, entre Tanger et Tetouan.
En outre, le groupe russe a un autre projet sur la Méditerranée à Azla, près de Tétouan. Ce site de 1,200 ha comprendra une marina de luxe, des hôtels, un golf et des complexes résidentiels de très haut standing. L'investissement est de l'ordre de MAD 5 milliards.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Moroccan Social Housing Project Attracts Malaysian Companies

The Moroccan government's social programme to build 100,000 houses a year has attracted 2 Malaysian developers to the country.
Moroccan Ambassador to Malaysia Ahmed Amaziane said 2 Malaysian companies started work there about 3 years ago. Malaysian national oil company, Petronas, had also made its presence felt in the Kingdom, while talks are in progress for another Malaysian company to produce animal feed using phosphate as an ingredient for exports to Europe, said the ambassador who has been in Malaysia for 3 years.
Meanwhile, one of the developers involved in the Moroccan government housing project is Al-Hidayah Development SARL, which was incorporated in Morocco. The company, a member of Malaysias Al-Hidayah Group of Companies, signed an agreement with Al-Omrane Development Holdings on March 17, 2006 to build 5,000 public housing units with a total gross development value of RM2.08 billion.

via Bernama

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Le promoteur immobilier espagnol Martinsa Fadesa dépose son bilan

La chute d'un promoteur espagnol, hier, témoigne de la contagion de la crise.
Martinsa-Fadesa n'a trouvé nulle part les 150 millions d'euros de crédit qui lui manquaient. Dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, le promoteur immobilier espagnol a donc déposé le bilan. Ce groupe est la première grande victime de l'explosion de la bulle immobilière qui s'est formée ces dernières années en Espagne.
La chute de Martinsa-Fadesa, malgré ses actifs évalués à 10,8 milliards d'euros, est un signe supplémentaire du craquement observé sur le marché immobilier, dans la foulée de la crise financière, et particulièrement en Espagne et en Grande-Bretagne, où les prix connaissent de fortes chutes. De façon générale, en Europe, promoteurs et sociétés foncières connaissent un retour de bâton à la mesure de l'engouement dont ils avaient bénéficié de 2005 à mi-2007.

via LE

Thursday, July 3, 2008

La 3ème édition du salon de l’Immobilier

Malabata Presse, Les Nouvelles du Nord et J.A. Events organisent les 3, 4 et 5 juillet 2008 la 3ème édition du salon de l’immobilier. Plusieurs exposants sont attendus, principalement des promoteurs immobiliers de Tanger et de l’étranger, ainsi que des fournisseurs des professionnels du secteur.
Organisé par Malabata Presse, Les Nouvelles du Nord et J.A. Events, cette troisième édition s’annonce d’une importance capitale, vue l’ampleur des investissements nationaux et internationaux dans le secteur de l’immobilier à Tanger et au Nord en général. L’objectif de cette édition est d’accompagner d’une part les nombreux investissements au Nord et d’autre part de contribuer beaucoup plus à la création d’un marché de l’immobilier du particulier, avec des références proches du marché et des attentes du consommateurs en terme de qualité du bâti et en termes de prix. Le marché marocain de l’immobilier est en plein boom, raison de plus pour l’accompagner dans cette lancée, afin de promouvoir une meilleure diffusion de l’information sur l’offre et la demande régionale dans le secteur.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Khalifa Hospital in Morocco

A contract for building the Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed specialised medical complex in Casablanca, Morocco, was signed Wednesday between Abu Dhabi Municipality and French Jacob France Engineering Consultancy Group.
The US$ 100 million health facility will be built by a donation offered by UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Director General of Abu Dhabi Municipality Juma Al Junaibi said the French consultant will undertake the works of architecture, design and supervision of the 65,000 square metre health facility where the built up area will be around 40,000 square metres.
''The centre will be completed in 30 months,''he said, adding that the project will also include commercial buildings whose revenues will be used to run the medical city to ensure high performance, operation and maintenance.
Construction work is expected to commence by year end. A high level delegation from the Municipality has visited Morocco recently to select the location for the project in the city of Anfa, a future centre for urban expansions.
In addition to the specialised wards, the city will house a nursing school, a central laboratory, a radiology centre and a VIPs ward.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Al Houara resort in Morocco unveiled

Morocco Sotheby's International Realty, a subsidiary of real estate firm Qatari Diar, has announced that property at the Al Houara resort in Morocco is now available. Following the initial sale of property at Al Houra a further 64 'golf apartments' will be available to buyers through offices in London, Tangiers and Casablanca.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Emaar Morocco completes Tinja Sales Centre

The Sales Centre is located in Route de la forêt diplomatique CT 8006 and can be easily accessed from the city centre. Emaar Morocco will launch apartments in a mix of Californian and Andalusian architectural styles, shortly. Offering sea and forest views, the apartment complexes will feature clubhouses, swimming pools, children's play areas and landscaped areas. A commercial village with restaurants, retail outlets and boutique office space will add to the convenience of residents.
Yves Delmar, Chief Executive Officer said: 'Tinja is setting a new benchmark in developing integrated lifestyle communities with its focus on luxury residences, community amenities and hospitality components. The project complements Moroccan government's Vision 2010 to strengthen the tourism sector and position the country as a preferred destination for investments.'
He added: 'With the opening of the new dedicated sales centre, customers will have a better overview of the entire project and its masterplan. Apart from models of the villas, town homes and apartments within the master-planned community, the sales centre will also highlight the various amenities on offer including a vibrant village centre, leisure clubs, forest clubs and other amenities.'

via AMEInfo

Friday, June 20, 2008

What About a Moroccan Las Vegas?

The Palmeraie Development group headed by Abdelali Berrada , which operates the Ouarzazate Lake City project, has approached American gaming experts about opening a casino in the southern Moroccan city.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Louvre Hotels soon in Morocco

The hotel chain owned by the American company Starwood, intends to establish during the next 4 years about 15 first-class units across Morocco. Sudreau underlined that these hotels will meet the international standards of first-class. He added that the company also plans to elaborate training programmes for its staff in collaboration with local tourism institutes. These steps constitute a part of the company's expansion plan outside Europe to exploit new markets.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Morocco property firm Alliances plans $271 million IPO

Moroccan property company Alliances Developpement Immobilier aims to raise 2 billion dirhams next month via an initial public offering on the Casablanca stock exchange. Alliances will sell 2.915 million shares for 685 dirhams each, including 1.1 million shares from a capital increase.

Founded in 1994, Alliances specialises in studying, building and selling housing and tourism developments, often in partnership with major operators including Accor, Four Seasons Hotels, Club Med and TUI. The stake of the founding Lazraq family will fall to 60% from 82% while institutional investors will see their holding decline to 15.78 percent from 17.36 percent.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Convention for the development of a tourist resort in Ifrane

His Majesty the King Mohammed VI presided over the signature ceremony of a convention relating to the planning and development of a new tourist resort in Ifrane by the Moroccan-Kowaiti Consortium for Development (CMKD) with an overall cost of MAD 346 millions. The new tourist resort of Ifrane, which is in line with the Biladi project intended to promote domestic tourism, will be built on a surface area of 30 ha with an overall accommodation capacity of 700 beds as tourist residences and 4,000 beds in the form of camping sites, besides residences intended for tourism with a capacity of 450 beds.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Infrastructure works begins on Gulf Finance House’s projects

Gulf Finance House has said that infrastructure works have begun on 2 projects in Morocco. Royal Ranches and Royal Resort Cap Malabata are both mixed use developments with a combined value of around $1.6 billion and will take shape over a total of 60 months while initial infrastructure work will occupy a period of 12 months.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Government plans to combat housing speculation

As property prices in Morocco skyrocket, new government plans announced by Finance Minister Salaheddine Mezouar aim to combat housing speculation. The 12 measures are designed to tackle an enormous rise in housing and land prices. The housing ministry reports that between 2003 and 2007, prices per sqm rose by 92% in Marrakesh, 45% in Rabat, 43% in Casablanca and 35% in Tangiers. Prices for plots of land have increased even more, by as much as 358% in Agadir and 234% in Rabat. The government measures to slow the rising prices include a package of tax incentives. One of the tax measures is designed to address the scarcity of building land by taxing vacant lots. Other measures call for the introduction of a tax on the country's estimated 800,000 vacant homes and more public-private partnerships aimed at regulating the market and meeting demand for affordable housing. Professionals in the sector welcome the proposals, but are quick to point out that implementing them will be a major challenge.

Monday, May 5, 2008

InterContinental Hotels set to launch first property in Morocco

InterContinental Hotels & Resorts has this week announced an agreement with Moroccan developer, Groupe Cadex, to open its very first property in Morocco in the beautiful resort destination of Marrakech. It is the first venture into Morocco for the InterContinental Hotels Group. The resort will comprise 180 rooms and suites, a first-class 2,000 sqm spa and is scheduled to open in the Q1 of 2011.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Convention for the development of a tourist resort in Ifrane

His Majesty the King Mohammed VI presided over the signature ceremony of a convention relating to the planning and development of a new tourist resort in Ifrane by the Moroccan-Kowaiti Consortium for Development (CMKD) with an overall cost of MAD 346 millions. The new tourist resort of Ifrane, which is in line with the Biladi project intended to promote domestic tourism, will be built on a surface area of 30 ha with an overall accommodation capacity of 700 beds as tourist residences and 4,000 beds in the form of camping sites, besides residences intended for tourism with a capacity of 450 beds.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Government plans to combat housing speculation

As property prices in Morocco skyrocket, new government plans announced by Finance Minister Salaheddine Mezouar aim to combat housing speculation. The 12 measures are designed to tackle an enormous rise in housing and land prices. The housing ministry reports that between 2003 and 2007, prices per sqm rose by 92% in Marrakesh, 45% in Rabat, 43% in Casablanca and 35% in Tangiers. Prices for plots of land have increased even more, by as much as 358% in Agadir and 234% in Rabat. The government measures to slow the rising prices include a package of tax incentives. One of the tax measures is designed to address the scarcity of building land by taxing vacant lots. Other measures call for the introduction of a tax on the country's estimated 800,000 vacant homes and more public-private partnerships aimed at regulating the market and meeting demand for affordable housing. Professionals in the sector welcome the proposals, but are quick to point out that implementing them will be a major challenge.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Skyrocketing land prices

Commercial lands are reaching record prices in Casablanca !
The owner of an old Petrol Station, built on a 800 sqm plot and located at the cross section of Boulevard Zerktouni and Avenue Hassan II has declined an offer of MAD 260,000 DH per sqm and is asking now for MAD 300,000 DH per sqm.